Scry Reference

The normal Clay scries are specified by a care, which is a single character corresponding with a Clay submodule. Apart from %s they just take a path to a desk, file or directory. All examples are dojo commands, the %'s in the path are automatically populated by the dojo like:

> %
[~.~zod ~.base ~.~2021.4.26..02.29.03..d31b ~]

In addition to the ordinary care-based endpoints, there are also a few special endpoints described in the Misc. Queries section below.

Misc. queries

Clay exposes a few special "buc" scry endpoints. These all use a %x care and must have a desk of %$ (an empty string) in the beak. They therefore have the basic form of:

.^([return type] %cx /=//=/[path])

Each of the possible [path]s are described below.

/sweep - Cache check

A buc scry with a path of /sweep will check the global ford cache for refcount errors. It returns a (list [need=@ud have=@ud leak]), where a leak is a Ford cache key used internally by Clay.


> .^((list [need=@ud have=@ud *]) %cx /=//=/sweep)

/rang - Get rang

A buc scry with a path of /rang will return the full rang from Clay's state.


> =ran .^(rang:clay %cx /=//=/rang)
> ~(wyt by hut.ran)

/tomb/[path] - Is accessible?

A buc scry with a path beginning with /tomb will return a ? which is %.y if the file specified by [path] is accessible, and %.n otherwise. The [path] must be a full beam like /~zod/base/12/sys/kelvin.

Note that %.n is returned either if the file has been tombstoned or if it doesn't exist at all, so it doubles as a tombstone check and existence check.


> .^(? %cx /=//=/tomb/(scot %p our)/base/(scot %da now)/sys/kelvin)

/cult/[desk] - Subscribers

A buc scry with a path of /cult/[desk] will return the current subscriptions for the specified desk.

The type returned is:

(set [@p rave:clay])

See the $rave:clay data type entry for more details of the $rave structure.


> .^((set [@p rave:clay]) %cx /=//=/cult/kids)
{ [~zod [%next mood=[care=%z case=[%da p=~2023.7.27..13.41.30..0536] path=/]]]
[~zod [%next mood=[care=%z case=[%da p=~2023.7.27..13.41.30..0536] path=/desk/docket-0]]]

/flow - Build cache

A buc scry with a path of /flow will return the global build cache. The type returned is a $flow:clay.


> ~(wyt by .^(flow:clay %cx /=//=/flow))

/domes - All domes

A buc scry with a path of /domes will return a cone containing the domes and associated metadata for all desks, foreign and local.


> =domes .^(cone:clay %cx /=//=/domes)
> ~(key by domes)
{ [~zod %landscape]
[~mister-dister-dozzod-dozzod %landscape]
[~lander-dister-dozzod-dozzod %landscape]
[~mister-dister-dozzod-dozzod %webterm]
[~zod %bitcoin]
[~zod %kids]
[~zod %landscape]
[~zod %base]
[~zod %webterm]
[~mister-dister-dozzod-dozzod %bitcoin]

/tire - App state

A buc scry with a path of /tire will return the rock:tire:clay for all domestic desks, which is a (map desk [=zest wic=(set weft)]). The zest specifies whether apps on the desk are running or suspended. The wic set contains the wefts (kernel versions) of any queued updates.


> .^(rock:tire:clay %cx /=//=/tire)
{ [p=%bitcoin q=[zest=%live wic={}]]
[p=%base q=[zest=%live wic={}]]
[p=%landscape q=[zest=%live wic={}]]
[p=%webterm q=[zest=%live wic={}]]
[p=%landscape q=[zest=%live wic={}]]
[p=%kids q=[zest=%dead wic={}]]

/tyre - App state subs

A buc scry with a path of /tyre will return the (set duct) of all subscriptions to app states (those made via %tire tasks).


> .^((set duct) %cx /=//=/tyre)
{ ~[/gall/use/hark-system-hook/0w2.k8ns8/~zod/clay/tire /dill //term/1]
~[/gall/use/docket/0w2.k8ns8/~zod/tire /dill //term/1]

%a - Build hoon

A scry with a care of %a will build a hoon file and return it as a vase.


.^(vase %ca %/lib/strandio/hoon)

%b - Dyn. mark core

A scry with a care of %b will produce a dais processed mark core for the specified mark. The path in the scry is a mark.


.^(dais:clay %cb %/txt)

%c - Dyn. mark convert

A scry with a care of %c will produce a tube dynamically typed mark conversion gate. The path specifies two marks - from and to, like /txt/noun.


> =a .^(tube:clay %cc %/txt/mime)
> !< mime (a !>(~['foo']))
[p=/text/plain q=[p=3 q=7.303.014]]

%d - List desks

A scry with a care of %d will return a (set desk) of the desks that exist on your ship.

Note this scry should be performed with an empty desk field (%$) in the beak (e.g. /=//=). If it's not empty, it'll work but Clay will complain in the terminal.


> .^((set desk) %cd /=//=)
{%bitcoin %base %webterm %landscape %kids}

%e - Static mark core

A scry with a care of %e will return a statically typed nave mark core. The path in the scry specifies the mark. The type returned is a (nave:clay [type] [diff]), where [type] is the type the mark takes and [diff] is the type taken by the mark specified in +form:grad.


.^((nave:clay noun noun) %ce %/noun)

%f - Stat. mark convert

A scry with a care of %f will return a static mark conversion gate. The path specifies two marks - from and to, like /txt/mime.

> =a .^($-(text mime) %cf %/txt/mime)
> (a ~['foo'])
[p=/text/plain q=[p=3 q=7.303.014]]

%p - File permissions

A scry with a care of %p will return the permissions of the file or directory in question. The type returned is a [dict:clay dict:clay] where the head is read permissions and the tail is write permissions.

If the specified file or directory has no permissions set, it will default to the permissions of its parent. If nothing above it has permissions set, it will default to empty whitelists. If the specified file or directory doesn't exist, it will also return the default empty whitelist.


> .^([dict:clay dict:clay] %cp %/gen)
[[src=/ rul=[mod=%white who=[p={} q={}]]] src=/ rul=[mod=%white who=[p={} q={}]]]

%r - File as vase

A scry with a care of %r will return the data of the given file wrapped in a vase or crash if it's a directory. It's basically just a vase-wrapped %x scry.


> .^(vase %cr %/gen/hood/hi/hoon)
[ #t/@
> !< @t .^(vase %cr %/gen/hood/hi/hoon)
':: Helm: send message to an urbit\0a::\0a:::: /hoon/hi/hood/gen\0a ::\0a/? 310\0a:- %say\0a|=([^ [who=ship mez=$@(~ [a=tape ~])] ~] helm-send-hi+[who ?~(mez ~ `a.mez)])\0a'
> .^(vase %cr %/gen)

%s - Misc. scries

A scry with a care of %s is for miscellaneous internal and debug functions and is liable to change in the future.

Rather than just a path to a file, the head of the path is tagged with one of %yaki %blob %hash %cage %open %late %base and the tail depends on which tag you use. We'll look at each in turn.

%yaki - Commit

This will return the yaki:clay of the specified commit. It takes a tako:clay.


Here we scry the dome:clay for %, get the latest tako and the do a %s scry for the yaki in question.

> =/ =dome:clay .^(dome:clay %cv %)
=/ =tako:clay (~(got by hit.dome) let.dome)
.^(yaki:clay %cs %/yaki/(scot %uv tako))
[ p=~[80.174.473.756.485.530.520.259.753.935.584.637.641.665.425.899.348.092.348.244.635.557.986.495.151.006]
{ [p=/mar/hark/graph-hook-update/hoon q=0v5.ea0bj.21s5c.mjrop.ishic.fpkvl.e5bbs.91kc9.tdo41.ifi06.60v41]
[p=/gen/hood/autocommit/hoon q=0v19.rh7jv.sa67o.t3jrb.4sdvs.7c45f.pv2u0.ragik.psp20.agqd8.8srkj]
[p=/tests/lib/primitive-rsa/hoon q=0v1g.3qmq3.6i15q.arh6h.lfsqu.gvc9m.ql6m5.e2rdr.vnnt9.tptc6.mv9u7]
[p=/tests/sys/vane/gall/hoon q=0va.alspc.qptqn.7tuj0.bgecg.1093t.gtsjs.up03k.d1fmk.4jrh8.2tdfa]

%blob - File blob

This will return the page:clay of some file. It takes a lobe:clay.


Here we grab the lobe of /gen/hood/hi/hoon with a %y scry, then use it to do a %s scry for the blob of the file.

> =/ =arch .^(arch %cy %/gen/hood/hi/hoon)
?~ fil.arch
.^(page:clay %cs %/blob/(scot %uv u.fil.arch))
[ p=%hoon

%hash - Commit hash

This will return the @uvI (256-bit) content hash of the specified commit. It takes a tako.


Here we grab the dome for % with a %v scry, get the latest tako and then do a %s %hash scry for it.

> =/ =dome:clay .^(dome:clay %cv %)
=/ =tako:clay (~(got by hit.dome) let.dome)
.^(tako:clay %cs %/hash/(scot %uv tako))

%cage - File as cage

This will return a cage of the data of some file. It takes a lobe.


Here we grab the lobe of /gen/hood/hi/hoon with a %y scry, then use it to do a %s scry for the cage of the data.

> =/ =arch .^(arch %cy %/gen/hood/hi/hoon)
?~ fil.arch
.^(cage %cs %/cage/(scot %uv u.fil.arch))
[ p=%hoon
[ #t/@t

%open - Build prelude

This is like a %a scry but it only compiles the prelude to the file, e.g. the Ford rune imports. Proper documentation for this will be done as part of Ford documentaton at a later date.

%late - Latest case

This will return the most recent revision number of a desk that has been fully downloaded. The type it returns is a cass. The case in the beak must be a revision number rather than a date. You can just provide a case of 1 since it returns the latest regardless. If we have nothing for the specified desk, this will just return the bunt of a cass like cass=[ud=0 da=~2000.1.1].


> .^(=cass:clay %cs /(scot %p (sein:title our now our))/base/1/late)
cass=[ud=50 da=~2021.4.22..10.38.50..57a8]
> .^(=cass:clay %cs /~sampel/base/1/late)
cass=[ud=0 da=~2000.1.1]

%base - Merge-base

This will return the mergebase (i.e. most recent common ancestor) between two desks. The type it returns is a (list tako:clay). The first desk will just be the one in the beak path prefix and the second will be specified like /ship/desk at the end of the scry path. If there is no common ancestor between the two desks, this will just produce an empty list.


> .^((list tako:clay) %cs %/base/(scot %p (sein:title our now our))/base)
> .^((list tako:clay) %cs %/base/~sampel/base)

%t - List files

A scry with a care of %t will return a (list path) of all files in the given directory, or just a (list path) of the single file if it's a file. This is done recursively so will provide files in subdirectories as well. The paths will be fully qualified except for the ship, desk and case. If the directory or file specified does not exist, it will return an empty list.


> .^((list path) %ct %/app/landscape)
> .^((list path) %ct %/gen/group-store/add/hoon)
> .^((list path) %ct %/foobar)

%u - Check exists

A scry with a care of %u will return a ? depending on whether the file exists. It will produce %.n if it's a directory or doesn't exist and will produce %.y if it's a file and exists.


> .^(? %cu %/app)
> .^(? %cu %/gen/code/hoon)
> .^(? %cu %/foobar)

%v - Desk state

A scry with a care of %v will return the entire state of a desk as a dome.


> =a .^(dome:clay %cv %)
> let.a

Note: If you try printing this it will take forever and probably OOM your ship.

%w - Revision number

A scry with a care of %w will return the revision number and date of a given case. The type returned is a cass like [ud=@ud da=@da] where ud is the revision number and da is the date.


> .^(cass:clay %cw %)
[ud=2 da=~2021.4.13..19.12.49..3389]

%x - Read file

A scry with a care of %x will return the data of a file or crash if it's a directory. The type returned will be whatever is defined by the mark of the file.


> .^(@t %cx %/gen/hood/hi/hoon)
':: Helm: send message to an urbit\0a::\0a:::: /hoon/hi/hood/gen\0a ::\0a/? 310\0a:- %say\0a|=([^ [who=ship mez=$@(~ [a=tape ~])] ~] helm-send-hi+[who ?~(mez ~ `a.mez)])\0a'
> .^(waft:clay %cx %/sys/kelvin)
[lal=%zuse num=413]
> .^(@ %cx %/gen/hood)

%y - Read arch

A scry with a care of %y will return the arch of a file or directory.

An arch is a [fil=(unit lobe:clay) dir=(map @ta ~)]. The fil will contain the lobe hash if it's a file, otherwise it will be null. The dir will contain a map of the files and directories it contains, otherwise it will be null.

It will return the bunt of an arch if the file or directory is not found.


> .^(arch %cy %/gen/group-store)
[ fil=~
{ [p=~.allow-ships q=~]
[p=~.add q=~]
[p=~.ban-ranks q=~]
[p=~.remove q=~]
[p=~.create q=~]
[p=~.join q=~]
[p=~.allow-ranks q=~]
[p=~.ban-ships q=~]
> .^(arch %cy %/gen/group-store/allow-ships)
[fil=~ dir={[p=~.hoon q=~]}]
> .^(arch %cy %/gen/group-store/allow-ships/hoon)
[fil=[~ 0vb.g8sqs.7gjm9.bl3vu.nk677.h5be1.g9eg3.4v1jo.00ivf.g8ndu.48a53] dir={}]
> .^(arch %cy %/foobar)
[fil=~ dir={}]

%z - Content hash

A scry with a care of %z will return the hash of a file or the recursive hash of a directory. If the file or directory doesn't exist it will return a null value.

The type returned is a @uxI.


> .^(@uvI %cz %/gen)
> .^(@uvI %cz %/gen/code/hoon)
> .^(@uvI %cz %/foobar)